Mobile World Congress 2016(MWC)

February 22, 2016 at 9:00 am by

The CVC is one of the MWC exhibitors, from February 22 to February 25, at the Pavelló de Catalunya in the Congress Square,  thanks to ACCIÓ.

This is the second edition that we are attending it as a exhibitors and we have lots of novelties to share. You are all welcome to come to check out our demos and technologies developed in the mobile field and discuses about the potential role that computer vision may play in your products as well as in your market sector.

We are also attending the Brokerage event organized by ACCIÓ. It will be a great opportunity to sit down and explore possible partnership opportunities.

If you want to set up a meeting or you are interested in any kind of information, please do not hesitate to contact us.

Please, send us an e-mail at:

