

The CVC is a non-profit research center with an independent legal status, established in 1995 by the Generalitat de Catalunya and the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (UAB). The CVC is, also, a CERCA centre.


Our mission is to carry out cutting-edge research that has the highest international impact in the field of computer vision. We also promote the transference of knowledge to industry and society. Finally, we strive to prepare and form researchers of the highest European level.


Thanks to our good working practices, the CVC has positioned itself as a specialist in the field of computer vision and is considered a reference in the creation of knowledge towards society.



We have the leading hardware and software resources in computer vision, as well as 2000 m2 devoted to R+D excellence.
We are more than 130 multi-disciplinary researchers and technicians from different nationalities.
We are specialists and leaders in the computer vision field.